Wurmlinger Kapelle


Top Band
Holiday Style


last modified: 02.05.2019

DL3TU - contesting

I participate in some of the major CW contests at DD1A in Singen/ Hohentwiel. It was a great honour for me to be invited to the German/ Swiss contest team.

Some more casual contesting - typically in the low power or QRP class - is done from my own QTH. 

The only contests I put effort in (at home) are the CQ WW 160 CW and maybe the Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge.
To my big surprise I ended up 2nd place in the CQ 160 Germany/ QRP in 2015 with moderate effort.
In 2016 I tried again and ended up 2nd place in Germany/ QRP again. During this contest all QSOs were hand made due to a timing issue inside the KX3. In 2017 I was fortunate to reach 1st place in Germany/ QRP.

My results during those three years (points / QSOs / W/VE provinces / Multis)

46,617 / 261 / 2 / 39

63,210 / 327 / 1 / 41

86,296 / 425 / 1 / 45