Wurmlinger Kapelle


Morse keys


last modified: 20.10.2017

DL3TU - portable

Corsica Island - EU-014

Vacation in August/ September 2017 with the family.

We stayed on a camp site in the beautiful Asco valley near Ponte Leccia, JN42NL, for a couple of days. A stealth end fed dipole for 20m, 30m and 40m was placed among the trees and buhes. I was QRV in the evening of August 26th, 27th and 28th where mainly QSOs with EU were logged.

map of Corsica

In the second week we moved to the east coast near Cervione (arrow pointing left). The antenna was deployed in the huge trees on the camp site on the same day we arrived. Unfortunately the local noise level was rather high. Lots of cheap electronic devices all around the place caused strong local QRM. During the operation in the evening of August 30th, signals simply disappeared in the noise when QSB set in.

After discussing the situation with the xyl, she agreed on two activations from the beach. The first took place in the evenig of September 2nd. I intended to place the inverted L as close to the water as possible. But setting up an antenna without help turned out to be tricky. Finally someone came walking along the beach and offered me help.
Then two youngsters came to the spot. They had been attracted by the antenna and wondered what it could be. "Are you a fisherman?" they asked. We had an interesting discussion about ham radio and why I wanted to operate from the beach.
Finally I got on the air but after just two QSOs the antenna collapsed. One of the tent pegs in the water had come loose due to the high surf. Just in the same moment the xyl and my daughter arrived. With their help the damage could be fixed quickly. I resumed operating and as 30m was in good shape many QSOs went into the log, some even from outside Europe (VU2GSM, ZL4AX).


The night of Sept. 2nd was most remarkable. While we had clear sky, heavy thunderstorms were building over Italy. Watching the thunderbolts and the towering cumulunimbus above Toscana was really impressive.

In the morning of September 3rd, when 17m was supposed to be open towards the far east, I returned to the beach with my equipment. The vertical dipole was placed at the water and for the first time sun- protection was needed.

At the beach

Condx were fairly good and again many EUs were calling. Unfortunately the 10 Watts from my KX3 were not enough to be heard well in Asia. In total only about ten stations from the far east could be worked.

At the beach

When no more stations were calling, I quickly jumped into the water to cool down a bit. Then resumed CQ- ing ;-)

Call sign

It was lots of fun. Thanks for the QSOs!

The Log has been uploaded to Club Log and LoTW, paper QSLs will be sent via the bureau.
